
By Poppy

Noisy Neighbours

These are my nearest neighbours, and Ollie is learning that they have just as much right to be here as us! He has had a few half hearted attempts at rounding them up, but when they head towards him en masse, he bids a hasty retreat! Very strange having a burn nearby, there aren't that many in Orkney and it is interesting to see different birds after more than 25 years living by a cliff top. As well as the ducks and geese on the burn, there seems to be a family of suicidal moor hens, who get their kicks dashing out infront of the car. Haven't hit one yet, but I reckon it is only a matter of time!

This isn't going to be a journal of attempted clever shots, rather a journal of my life here. Life at a more relaxed pace, with different priorities and to my own agenda. I have lived next to the sea for 30 years, so it is a big change for me. This place is so sheltered and feels so very different that I feel I have moved hundreds of miles, except that my friends are all still within half an hour or so of me. I have been overwhelmed by everyone's kindness, help and support. Until you need them you don't realise how wonderful your friends are. Thanks to you all, you know who you are X

ps Saw lots of gannets while crossing the Churchill Barriers yesterday. Spectacular diving displays but tricky trying to take shots of them while you're driving!

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