world in a grain of sand

By kateann

simple pleasures

Thank you for the stars, comments and help with newt identification yesterday!
It's been a day of simple pleasures - potting up seedlings, and homegrown rhubarb sponge tonight were just two of them. After we'd eaten M and I went for a walk in a local bluebell wood. They need a few days more to be at their perfumed best, but still were lovely. The intensity of blue creates a haze under the tender green of new foliage.
For me, the bluebell is a flower full of nostalgia. As children my sisters and I were taken to my father's childhood home in Gloucestershire and used to return to the city with armfuls of the flowers. I only need to smell them to recall the milky sap, and the flop of the stems. My mother loved them, and liked to see them on or near her birthday at the start of May. I thought a lot of her as we walked among the flowers tonight.
They bring nostalia of a closer time, too, walking in woods with my own children - sadly, no picking wild flowers for them. My older daughter seemed to especially love them, continuing to accompany us to find bluebells into her teenage years. So, another sadness that she is away in Germany and won't see an English bluebell wood this year.
So, Houseman can keep his cherry trees - it's a bluebell wood in bloom for me!

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