Birthday cake!
M's 60th tomorrow! But as he gets up early for work on a Monday morning we celebrated tonight :)
Dinner was Roast Pork. roast veggies, rice, gravy and apple sauce and dessert the birthday cake was, his favourite, Tipsy Tart.
It was one of those challenging evenings where nothing seems to go right - C got a puncture in her new tyres on the way home, so M went to help and the gas ran out halfway through cooking, so L and I had to bring the big bottle in and set it up. But it all worked out in the end!
It has been a busy day. M has been working on the attic so we are ready for our visitors in about 6 weeks time. I have cleared out the spare room cupboard. This was no mean feat, with a whole ute load being dumped at the tip. The scary thing is that a lot of the stuff travelled 13 oookm with us from South Africa 6 1/2 years ago!
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