Disposable Challenge

I have started a new BLIP challenge today. The challenge was set by Doogie who has also began one. I have downloaded the disposable camera app and have to choose each days blip from the spool... Until the spool is developed I cannot see the results...analogue camera gambling!

Doogie has the same canon point and shoot as I, however he's broken the screen so he too cannot check his pictures until upload time...his are all also in Sepia! We are challenging each other to 365 of this mad blind blipping! Bring it!

Ps I know I still have back blipping to do... And it will happen now that schools out forever and the ultimate interview has been handled... Now we await results x

Here is Mr Walker... This is an early shot - the morning after the night before ! And oh what a night! Thanks for helping me celebrate the end of an epic era boyo much love x

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