Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

Cry Me a River -- Diana Krall

"Whit ur ye cried? ( trans. -May I enquire as to your name oh watery entity?)
" ........ the River Clyde!"


"Oh the River Clyde, the wonderful Clyde,
The name of it thrills me and fills me with pride;
And I'm satisfied ,whate'er may betide,
The sweetest of songs is the song of the Clyde."

Enough tae gar ye greet, right enough!" (trans. - I confirm that this is sufficient to make one shed a tear)

The River Clyde , looking upriver from the Ardrossan to Brodick route. Very interesting to think in terms of photographing the river, rather than the island!

(See earlier entries for my May Musical Challenge titles.)

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