Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Made for walking.

One of my many pairs of trusty cons. Made for walking. This is a good thing, as I did a LOT of it today.

Had an orthopaedic review today - what was going to be the last on my shoulder.  No.  X-rays done before the review showed that the condition I have that is similar to osteoporosis (Gage's Sign) has gone downhill in a big way. It was hoped I would get at least five years out of my shoulder rebuild ddonne 14 months ago.  No.  I need it redone already. Not because I have been an idiot and doing things I shouldn't be doing, simply because I didn't have much of a shoulder to work with initially, and the progression of the Gage's Sign happened a lot quicker than expected.


MRI within the next eight weeks, then another review in three months to book in the surgery.

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