
By katzmeow


Today mom and I went back to my "pumkin patch". We didn't plant them and don't really know how they grew, but they did. We got 7 pumpkins this time. Had a early frost a couple of days ago, so the plants died. :( There were about 7 more little teeny ones. There was also one more big one, but it rotted at the top. :(

Mom likes the BIG green one, I like the little one. We got one down the street too. They grow them every year and sell them. We like to go buy them but this year they raised the price. :( They also sold corn stalks but we didn't buy any.

I made hard boiled eggs for lunch tomorrow. Yum! It sounded like there was a chicken in one when they were boiling!! But I lifted the lid and it was bubbles that kept popping. :)

Well, better go do my homework now! Hope everyone had a good weekend!!

PS: I backblipped for yesterday!! I was really tired!

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