
By RaceyTrace333

Diet has started

Well today has gone well. I already know I have exceeded my predecessors mark on the Achilles audit! We still have tomorrow to go, so that is a weight off my shoulders.

Will now be working towards my next audit, which is end of month.

Wore my new suit today, along with blouse, loads of compliments from colleagues. Need to keep me away from TM Lewin.

Well on Saturday I started my healthy eating, back on Sliming World, red days for me at the moment. Stops me feeling bloated. Would like to loose some before holiday, as bound to put on while out there. Cheesecake factory here I come! Looking forward to trying the reesse cheesecake.

Blip is my supper this evening, I actually eat more on SW than I have for ages. Lost 21/2 stone last time I did it in 3 months. Like to loose 11/2-2 stone. Will also aim to get on my vibrating plate.

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