my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Last Night of the Fair....

The girls came back early to me today so I could take them to Mossley Fair, J wasn't feeling up to the big rides but Eve was (so we went on the Jump n Smile and the Sizzler)... and they both won a prize on Hook a Duck and had a go on the inflatable slide

It was so funny walking back from the fair by the pub and hearing it erupt into cheers and screams..and I said to the girls (after following it on twitter) "oh, I think United just won the league" We are from the blue side of Manchester.

Couldn't believe it when tweets started to come through about the City win! We were CHUFFED. I texted Wakefield man of course...who declared the feeling only second to the birth of his son :)

The girls and I chilled out in the evening and when the sun went in the candles came out...I had painted some jars so the garden was lit in rainbow colours.

Then we found some sparklers left over from Bonfire Night so Eve lit a load in the garden...and made some shapes and letters...just like we did in November. Remember Remember...

A nice end to the weekend.

"The last night of the fair
By the big wheel generator
A boy is stabbed
And his money is grabbed
And the air hangs heavy like a dulling wine

She is Famous
She is Funny
An engagement ring
Doesn't mean a thing
To a mind consumed by brass (money)

And though I walk home alone
I might walk home alone ...
...But my faith in love is still devout"

Rusholme Ruffians ~ The Smiths

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