Fine Dining...

...with a Contraptioneer.

Energized, he arrives at the lovely Little Italy restaurant to meet the Innkeepers wife for a rare treat to dine with a guest of Annie's Cottage. A great aspect of dining with a Contraptioneer, is the telling of adventurous stories that arise from his contraptioning ways. Stories with props!

There are 16 little...tiny...screws that must be removed from this camera in order to change the viewing screen. The screen only costs $12 with a $7 shipping charge. At no extra cost, the brave soul who makes the purchase must use their own intelligence to figure out how to remove the old screen and detach it from the receptacle.

What the Contraptioneer hadn't anticipated was the stored energy which the camera holds in a capacitor ready for the next flash. Quite a little bit of stored energy...with quite a little bite, he tells us! He had recently performed a similar surgery on my sister's camera, but, apparently her system was shielded in different places...all the right place...than his camera. He not only discovered this once, but 3 times! Live and learn.....and learn..............and learn again! Ouch!

I hear that electroshock therapy is making a comeback.

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