
By Adda

the rickshaw pullers

wanted to blip one of the hand rickshaw pullers in the city. Kolkata is one of the very few cities in India where these hand rickshaws still exist. I wont be surprised if it is the only city. These rickshaw pullers ply on the road, alongside with cars, buses and trams and take one or two people from one point to another. they have a small bell in their hand, which they use like the horn of a car. most of the time, these people walk/run barefoot on the pitch road - be it hot summer, rain or anything else.

I am told that the government is planning to take these off the roads. Though I am a bit sad that this heritage thing is going away, I am happy for these folks as their condition is really pitiable. I hope the Govt doesnt just stop as taking these rickshaws off the road - some alternate employment should be arranged for them.

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