Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Orange tip butterfly

I nearly resorted to a fork-n-knife blip as the weather was so foul. Windy, rain, hailstones, everything except snow and sun. Eventually in the afternoon, a few blue patches opened up around the sun, so I decided to give the woods a go.

I have been chasing these orange tips for a week now, but was just unable to get close. They seemed more intent on playing with the ladies than taking a rest on a nectar rich bloom. But today was the day. I was happy to wade through four yards of waist high nettles and was amply rewarded as he sat still for 52 shots.

I managed all the angles for a good selection and chose this shot because it offers a hint of the identifying orange tip, but also shows the complexity of the underside coloration and the reason for it, as he rested on the fern bloom. So much more interesting than just showing the more recognisable top side.

I think that we firmly established yesterday, that very few people are members of the earwig fan club. They do not rattle the primeval section of our brains like spiders, wasps and snakes, but are still objectionable. Probably due to the name and Mom telling me that "if you do not wash your ears properly, the earwig will crawl in and lay hundreds of eggs", she always had a way of explaining things clearly.

Today's difference is the left hand rule. This is not some engineering guide for remembering the rotation direction due to a magnetic flux, but a very important rule for tourists when interfacing with the Indonesian people on a daily basis.

The left hand serves one purpose only and that is washing your botty, all other functions are performed with the right hand. Don't wade into the morning buffet, picking up your selections with your left hand. Don't eat your bigmac with your left hand. NEVER hand money over with your left hand. The list is endless and applies to everything that you do.

This was a particular problem for me, being left handed. I remember forgetting at a buffet and when I realized, I apologised to the business man next to me, he just said, "Nah, don't worry about it". People are very forgiving, but really appreciate you making the effort, but always remember the using your left hand is insulting.

Another one that I will cover here is pointing with your finger or showing your palms. If you must point, use your thumb, never indicate with your foot, a BIG no - no. If you are waving for a taxi, palm down and beckon the taxi by waving your fingers. There are more behavioural rules, but this is all that springs to mind at the moment.

If you are ever visiting a new country for a vacation, it is worth going on the internet and looking up any rules and procedures that you should be following, at the same time, learn to count, say please and thankyou.


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