Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

New wheels for Port Appin

I suppose I could have kept it for Christmas, but why?  I feverishly opened the box of goodies from the postman this morning - two models to fettle from a kit manufacturer - my favourite one!  One model was a 1949 Birmingham Standard Daimler CVG and the other my long awaited 1962 Leyland Atlantean in the style of Glasgow Corporation.  The pic shows the component parts of the Glasgow vehicle.

The stages of construction are a bit tedious really.  The 'flash', bits of resin overcast have to be cleaned off first then the parts are test fitted, sanded, fitted again and fiddled and faffed with until all sits well together. At that stage the body is masked out (several times) to allow the three colours of Port Appin's West Coast Motors livery to be applied on top of a grey primer.

The next step is designed to drive all but the most patient into a state of apoplexy.  There are 43 windows to be cut out and fitted into the body.  You may hear my comments without the use of electronic gadgetry each time my scalpel gets it wrong.  It's never my fault.

The final stages are most enjoyable, researching, designing, printing and applying the decals and finally when all the parts are ready, paint is dried and printing parts fit it all goes together.  I'll keep you informed of the progress.

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