Bristol Student

By MayGreene

long time. Blip has had a reboot, now looks like every other generic photo site on the internet. Oh well. I guess change is inevitable. I have been working slightly harder than usual, stressing out slighty more than normal, and doing loads of stuff that takes too much time. Looking after people who really need to look after themselves. 
But I did create this poster, its of my bro and sis-in-law on their wedding day. (screen print). I kind of left blip for all of first term. I guess I thought I had nothing to say, but really maybe I wanted this part of my life to be a space that I didn't have to look back on. I guess seeing as this is the last day I'm at uni this year (going home tomorrow!!) and will blip a bit over christmas up til new year. Got some cool things to share in the coming days...

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