With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


The fab Drew enjoying his role to the full.

I was so pleased to be able to see at least some of today's performance in Palma. It seemed to be going down a storm.

Three appointments in Palma today, so I also found my way around town a little, particularly in Santa Catalina, the vibrant bohemian district that it is. 

The last job, though I could hardly call it work, was to spend some time in the company of two fantastic women, one a great friend and motivator, the other about to be honoured as the first foreign speaker to celebrate the society that is Mallorca. 

This week has been exhausting and so very varied, from the usual daily chores and time with my lovely boys (and of course Scooby), to visiting beautiful houses, a school grasping the nettle of what children really need, watching captive audiences enjoy lively and passionate actors and speaking to a fascinating social anthropologist about her concerns and passions. This island is a place where creativity and passion is in abundance. 

No Bah humbug at all. 

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