Daily Bread
We don't eat this much bread every day....
Haircuts this morning for CarbBoy and me. His is super cool (he chose from a style book!) and mine is shorter than expected but is growing on me - if you'll forgive the pun. Some rapid cookie baking for TallGirl's sports club Christmas tea, shopping with CarbBoy (we were there to hire a big nail gun for Mr B - with the inevitable moment where I walk into a room full of men, all making comments at my expense that they know I don't understand, and I have to very quickly make it clear that I know what I'm talking about. Happily I had two things in my favour today. Firstly I knew what I was talking about and, secondly, CarbBoy was there to translate their 'comic asides'... I asked the owner (who is lovely and doesn't treat me like a dumbass) to fit the gas canister as we find them a bit tricky. All the other guys rolled their eyes, but had to eat their eye-rolling (?!) when the owner spent 10 minutes trying to do it...)
Some painting, then a slightly stressful trip to pick up the kids (some jerk smacked my wing mirror).
Now exploring the new blip format. Aside from some niggly things that will no doubt be fixed, it's the colour that has me unconvinced. I'm posting this from the iPad, as I'd have to have fiddled with the brightness settings to spend more than two minutes on the site. That, I think, will negate the time I spent getting the screen settings right for photo viewing / editing. White screens are migraine central for me.
To end on a cheerier note, I forgot, in the pre-shut-down blip panic to note a conversation last night over and after dinner. Mr B is setting English literature homework for TallGirl to do in English classes at school. The latest text is Animal Farm, and TallGirl had a few questions before doing the written work. There followed a two hour discussion about Russian history, politics, Marxism, and so forth. The maturity of her questions and her willingness to engage in philosophical debate was truly surprising.
Then today she put a letter up the chimney for Santa.
(Bizarrely it was in English with a Spanish translation...)
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