Penguin Droppings

By gen2


The gas engineer didn't arrive until this afternoon. I just made it to Kinghorn with about 10 minutes of sunshine left in the day.

Here it is then: Eurasian Oystercatcher  (Haematopus ostralegus) in winter plumage photographed at Pettycur Harbour.

I'm not going to moan too much about the new site as they said not all features would be working right from the start and some, though not all, would be reinstated over time.

At the moment, I am finding the recent comments page useless as it shows the wrong thumbnail - I need to see to which image the comment refers.

The main blips are displayed too large. Every one has to be scrolled. Using the browser's 'scale/zoom' feature solves that but leaves the text too small to read.

I cannot find a list of who is subscribed to my journal beyond the most recent 9 - no link to next/more.

Statistics are missing apart from the number of views on individual blips.

More will probably come to light as I get settled in to this new update.

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