Two Days To Go......

Until the Christmas holidays. Thank. God. 

I am so tired! I went to bed a bit earlier last night, slept well, but still felt tired this morning. I was very late for work, and it left me feeling out of sorts. Which leads me to the light. WTF?! It was 8:15am and it was barely light, leading me to question if in fact I had the right time! And when I looked out of the window at work at 3:50pm, it was almost totally dark! Is it any wonder I'm feeling so tired?! It is such a miserable time of the year! And to think we've still got another three months of this is a rather depressing thought! 

I had plans to be busy this evening, and what did I end up doing? I had a nap on the sofa at 7pm, and then woke up an hour later feeling groggy, and too tired to eat etc. I dragged myself home and had a bath, and honestly feel like I could be in bed by 9pm. Pathetic! 

Right, rant over!

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