The second half of life..

By twigs

Lake Wairarapa

Slept pretty well for the first night in the van.  Took a cruisey breakfast which morphed into brunch then headed to Wellington for a little window shopping in the big smoke.  Hmmmmm......parking, cities and me aren't a good combination.  It was good to spend some time checking out a few stores and I saved heaps by not spending a thing!

Headed out of Wellington late afternoon as the rain began.  Driving the motorway (when I'm not used to it) in a slow van in teeming rain was my challenge for the day.  A great reminder that I'm not on South Island roads for this trip!!  Big lorries, fast cars......(lots of fast cars)......quick lane changes, unfamiliar territory.  But I did it and, after a lovley drive over the Rimutakas I am now settled into a wee spot on the northern shores of Lake Wairarapa.  Not spectacular, but pretty and spacious.  All is good.

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