
By strawhouse

Before the Storm

We've had a lovely day at Blenheim today.
After soggy Waddesdon the other day I was a bit wary of another wet day out but if we stay in the kids watch too much TV and I do too much half-hearted housework!
So we went to meet Mrs C and the boys and it was lovely. Our picnic was rain interrupted so we were forced into the cafe for lattes and ice-cream, then our adventures in the adventure playground were cut short by a massive hailstorm so it was into the butterfly house which was hotter and steamier than the jungle, unbearable!! We did see some butterflies emerging from cocoons which was a bit freaky, like something out of Alien!
Then we took the train up to the Palace. This picture was taken just as we got there and just before another torrential downpour. We had tea and gingerbread men in the cafe and couldn't hear each other speak over the hail and howling wind. Honestly, this weather makes an economy drive very difficult - they wouldn't even give us tap water!!
Luckily the sun was back out for our return train journey! Although we got wet bottoms!!

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