Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Mac is back!

My little friend has come home. He now has a new video graphics card and works like a dream. Last week he threw his teddy out of the pram and had a screen like an Arran jumper. All is now forgiven but he has been shown a yellow card, and the newest 27" iMacs with super dhoubry firkin gizmos were pointed out to him as the salesman put him in the car for me. So he has had a scare, been warned and should now behave, bit like a puppy really.

For those following the saga of my chesticles, I am now the recipient of inhaler steroids. So my tongue should be really strong and muscular in a few days. Now all I have to do is lick my eyebrows and some rich widow might take me on!

Sorry for the rubbish blips recently, no Mac, no air and not allowed out has meant I've been a tad limited.

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