The Big Issue

Here's Kev, dressed up like a Christmas Tree complete with lights, and invisible. Kev is selling The Big Issue in the centre of town and I stood with him for a minute while my phone had convulsions before I took this shot. Lots of folk simply blanked him when he wished them a merry Christmas and this, to me, is the big issue. 

Of course some will wring their hands and say that it's all the government's fault because of this policy or that policy but I'm afraid that it isn't. Helping people is our responsibility, yours and mine, rather than hoping that the government will do everything we wish. We cannot blame others for allowing the homeless to freeze on the streets or people to go hungry; it's for us to help. If you'd like to see how you might check out what Dominique did for Robbie or buy a copy of The Big Issue or donate to the Salvation Army or simply stop and have a chat with someone worse off than you.

No, I didn't buy a copy. Yes I asked his permission and yes, I gave him a few quid. If nothing else I pictured myself in his place and hoped that someone would show me a bit of kindness whatever the time of year.

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