
Another horrible day - strong winds, hroizontal rain and not a smidgeen of light. I went over to Schull to get the very last couple of presents and nipped out of the car to blip this. Once an old grainstore, it lies on the estuary as you come into Durrus and is notable for it's once rather fancy windows. Now it's abandoned and the estuary near it almost silted up.
Other than that, a bit more hoovering and wrapping presents has been undertaken and tonight we're off to Willie Pa's  for the Wwoof Ireland Christmas dinner.
This is of course an entry for SarumStroller  Derelict Thursday challenge. I haven't worked out how to do links yet and am so mindful of  not doing any typos I'm keeping it short and sweet . Edit, just worked it out!
Still a bit iffy about the new site and hope things come together a bit more smoothly over the next few weeks. It is quick though.

Edit: heavens! Now the image is tiny with tons of grey on each side! I think I preferred a large image to this - sorry, guys you can't win, nor can you cram a portrait image into a landscape format. Still I've found out how to edit now!

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