Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica


Tomorrow is the last working day here so today my colleague and I took off for a Christmas lunch in Chinteche by the lake.  Its really hot these days and we really need rains to come (I know I will complain when we have too much rain too!!).  On the way to Chinteche we pass the rubber plantation which I wrote about here!.  Malawians have great ideas and these guys steal the rubber and make balls which they sell along the way.  They are made of strings of rubber wound around each other into a ball.  They bounce well for a few days and then become very smelly as the rubber begins to disintegrate.  Of course it is illegal for the guys to do this but they do it anyway!

On another note today I was stopped by the police for stopping illegally on the road to pick someone up.  The policeman was going to charge me 10,000 Malawi kwacha (about $21 or £14).  After pleading with him he let me off with a warning!  The funny thing was there were no other cars on the road at the time!!  The joys of Malawi!

PS Not sure if the link works but it was on 24th July 2013 if anyone is interested!!

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