Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Mixed frontage

Another brief outing to town. I think I may soon tire of trips into the town but later I rang the changes and went to a large supermarket at Corstorphine and attempted to hide Donald as I dragged him into a Charity Shop £1 Outlet near there. I don't think anyone he knew spotted him. When he saw the books though he began to unthaw and spent quite a while browsing through their many and varied titles.

We did see an older lady strip to her underwear, throwing her clothes with abandon on to her husband and then she attempted to curl her body into a party dress, "too small" said both she and he as one voice. I left them where they stood at the window struggling to unveil her of her 'would be' glitterry rags and thought, 'good on you two' although I'd never do that in a million years. 

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