
By BobbieTheKeltic

Odin's Day 316

Wednesday was named after Odin (Wotan, Woden, etc.). I was born on a Wednesday. I had a fortunate / fateful meeting with my best lady friend six years ago on Wednesday. So yesterday was Odin's Day number 316 for us. I'm one day behind and trying to keep up until I can get a membership.

Everything is changing and my life is not "normal" and just taking photos lately has been a challenge. This one isn't one I want to brag about because the water's out of focus and I didn't have time to trick the programs in my Olympus point and shoot with the nice zoom lens. But at least I stopped at Todd's Point to give it a try, I'm happy for that and for the excuse to go do it. I'm enjoying the new site. Kudos for that. Hope all of you are well! I'm happy to be alive!

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