My babies

5years 56days 

I am very lucky to have some very amazing children in my life. And I count these 4 amongst the top in my list. Katie (5), Max (4), Edie (3) and Myles (11 months). A force to be reckoned with when united. 

We have had the most incredible day. Katie woke up at 4.45 am. I gave her the Ipad for a wee while while I dozed but not for long. We were out exploring the woods after she'd eaten her breakfast. We spotted that some of our friends in the next door villa were up so we went to see them. And drag the children out into the woods too! I say drag, they both came out very willingly. Katie, Max and Edie had an amazing time building a den with fallen logs and branches (and small entire trees). They climbed trees, hunted squirrels and birds, swung on gates and had a glorious, foresty time. Myles even came out to see. 

We then all packed up and headed for a bike ride. We stopped for a coffee, Max went to play golf, Katie and Edie played in the big play area in the country club. It wasnt long though before we had to go off for the exciting adventure - to the Winter Wonderland! They enjoyed all the displays and the walks. They loved the grotto. And they were all totally entranced by Santa. He took so much time over them all, no rush whatsoever. Talked to all of them and all of the 10 adults in the room. They took all the photos we wanted and gave the children really gorgeous gifts. We headed out to show the children the little surprise we had in store for them - pony rides! Max and Edie went first. Katie broke her heart a little as she thought she wasnt getting one!! 

We went to give the children an inside picnic lunch before we took them swimming. The plan was for a "quick swim". This was nearly 2hours and we still had resistance  when we suggested it was time to leave! We took them back to the villas and told them they needed to nap if they wanted an evening out. Katie was asleep within two minutes at 5pm. I had to wake her to get her sorted. 

We had booked dinner for all 17 of us at the diner. The girls sat down at the table and immediately wanted their tea, so went straight to the children's buffet. Katie ate three platefuls. They all had a good play in the ginormous play area as well as colouring nicely. After dinner, we went to the disco for a little while. Katie and Edie danced their hearts out, Max went bowling. They all hit exhaustion by 1030. Uncle Michael had bought them glowsticks so when we loaded them back into the bike trailers, they were very excited! A really, truly wonderful day. Just wonderful. 

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