Stroud high street in December
As Frank S,. says, there's always the Christmas lights to blip! Most of the time I am indoors at work, and unable to blip, even when we make cakes that look like reindeer poo....
EDIT: this is the lower half of the High Street. You can see the top half in many of my other blips. The company that had supplied Stroud's ancient Christmas lights went bust this year, and no suitable replacements could be found for the money available. So the (Green) town council decided the way forward was to gift the independent shop owners with a small tree and a bracket, and all they had to do was pay something, and decorate it. The scheme has been successful, and will continue next year, with some help towards small lights, too. After Christmas, I imagine the trees will be collected and turned into woodchip, or other bio-matter. I Have to agree that it looks a lot better than a rope of light bulbs strung across the street!
I popped out to Tesco's at lunchtime, and even forgot to take my camera on the walk! That's very bad, for me. We were trying to have a Frozen day at work, with the DVD and soundtrack, and optional costumes, but the children weren't that bothered about it. So we had our usual amount of clearing and tidying to do, plus the extra stuff that goes with moving the furniture, day 32...
In the afternoon, there were only two children, plus some visitors, so we had great fun playing in the wind, flying chiffon scarves as flags. After the nursery children left, I had to do my weekly lollipop lady duty. While I was holding the lollipop aloft, I could feel the breeze tugging at it, and wondered if I could do an alternative Mary Poppins, soaring over the rooftops of St Rose's in my hi-vis jacket, singing a song that would be next year's smash hit...
The minibuses left, and I returned to the nursery, scraping multicoloured play-dough roulade off the tables.
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