
By bivbov

Christmas 'do'

It was tempting to go home to bed, but it was the work Christmas 'do' and I'd paid £30....

My day involved sneaking out of the bed at 5am, and indulging in a strong coffee before hitting the gym for a punishing 20 minutes of 4 x 35kgs barbell squats / 4 x deadlifts on the minute. Every 5 minutes I increased the reps by 1 - that's 110 squats and 110 deadlifts in total. I finished on. 40kgs - almost bodyweight.

I then had a gruelling day at work - 8 hours of ward round, 2 hours of restraint, and 20 minutes of being told how rubbish I was by some cheeky young whippersnapper!! He was the final straw......there were tears! Anyway, I did decide to show my face and was pleased I did. My team appreciate me and I appreciate them more!!!

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