An Outpost of Poland

There can hardly be a better way to spend a cold showery morning than having coffee in an outpost of the old Polish Empire in leafy Joppa, the seaside suburb of Edinburgh.

Joppa Strand and Tiggy had not only a warm welcome for us this morning in a festively decorated house, but also warm mince pies, which His Lordship was seen to enjoy hugely. It was like having the small child who eats too much at a party. I hope our hosts see it as a compliment.

The conversation was all encompassing, ranging from India, weddings, grandchildren present and future, and Blipfoto to slipshod grammar including the subjunctive and apostrophes.

We enjoyed ourselves so much, we were loath to leave, but the handy no 45 bus waiteth for no man (or woman), bearing us home slowly but efficiently, door to door, through an Edinburgh gridlocked with traffic.

Thank you JS and Tiggy for a lovely morning.

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