Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

We Three Kings

I had a bit of a mad morning to finish the term. Walked Poppy to school then jumped in the car and fought my way through the traffic to get to my school and help with the reception children who always do a Nativity in the URC on the last day of term. We walked them down then piled into a small upstairs room to kit them out in their costumes. Imagine locking 30 small children in a tiny room and just throwing in 30 assorted nativity costumes, you get an idea of the mayhem. They were then supposed to wait silently in a line til they got their cue to go on. There were sheep trying to eat the shepherds, angels swinging on door handles, a king trying to accost The Virgin Mary and then I got photo bombed by a sheep. The whole thing seemed to go on and on. Everyone seemed to think it was very sweet. We eventually got everyone back into the right school uniform (a lot of un-named items had to be indentified by smell) and I was very happy to get home after escorting them all safely back to school.
Term over and time to relax. Phew!

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