Start the day off with a bang!
Well not so much of a bang as an explosion of expletives. Masked off the top deck, a fiddly job which needs care. I didn't take enough of it. Not only did I leave some gaps in the tapes for the spray paint to seep through but the nozzle on the spray can had a tiny speck of dirt in it. Not visible to the naked eye but just enough to convert a fine spray into a squirt and it pumped a gusher of runny paint onto the side. "Bugger" , I said.
Gave it an hour to dry then sanded it back very lightly. Didn't want to rub off the detail in the casting. Then it was remasked and resprayed. The roof and band were then sprayed acrylic gloss white and the dodgy problems of this morning were corrected.
The bottom deck had some gaps in the body fit to fill in, took 5 minutes. Then it received its coat of red gloss and the engine bustle/pod too. It needs to be glued in place tomorrow.
Over the weekend it'll get some more detailing. Probably paint seat grab rails and seat covers. They're going to be a tan shade like the leatherette seats so beloved of many municipalities.
I think I'm ready to prepare artwork for the maroon banding and the big side adverts but for the moment it's job done. Got to cook tea, a Ken Hom recipe - Crispy Chicken and noodles. Sometimes his recipes are a bit sloppy and quite unlike the Chinese food I love; Cantonese/Hong Kong Style. Wish me luck. MrsDB is a so-an-so when she's hungry.
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