stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Talkin' Heids #3 ~ Hugh MacDiarmid (1892 - 1978)

Empty Vessel

I met ayont the cairney
A lass wi' tousie hair
Singin' till a bairnie
That was nae langer there.

Wunds wi' warlds to swing
Dinna sing sae sweet,
The licht that bends owre a' thing
Is less ta'en up wi't.

You might have noticed that I've not been about as much recently, posting later and later and not keeping up with you all as well as I should or want. With four weeks to go before my sister's wedding I'm really having a difficult time trying to get my head round the needs of this area of photography, both technically and artistically. It's taking me completely out of my comfort zone and I'm struggling. So with that in mind I've decided that I need to take a break from blip to concentrate on some serious studying and practice to try and make sure I'm ready for the challenge.

I'm sorry and I do feel like I'm letting you all down since you all make the time and effort to visit my journal but I'd feel worse if I continued as I have for the past week or so. Don't worry, Blip is well and truly in my blood now and I'd miss you all too much to stay away for long so the plan is to take a week off just now. I'm hoping to still shoot through my time away so I don't miss a day in the calendar. This series still has 9 poets to cover and so will probably be my quick blip for the next few days if the weather stays good.

I'm going to do a final catch up with everyone before I go tonight (and probably tomorrow - yep, I'm that far behind again), but I'd just like to thank everyone again for their wonderful support and comments. Do take care all and I'll see you soon! x

Back after tea to catch up!

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