Saint Apollonia - please help

Today was lined up to be spent on doing the last work on the bees this year. Forecast was for relatively "warm" dry weather and the task had to be completed by Sunday. For the outcome see bee journal.

However at 7:30 was sitting in the dentist chair after my call at 5:00pm yesterday evening asking if they could check out the toothache that had just started. The site was "work in progress" from several weeks ago and initially the doc thought it would involve pulling one. However after torturing me with frozen sticks on the various teeth, he was a bit surprised I reacted to all. X-Ray followed and indeed all teeth still living and worth saving.

While waiting for the injection to take effect, Bliped the statue in the wall of the treatment room. The bust was made by the local living artist Dieter Kunerth, for whom a museum of contemporary art was opened in Ottobeuren this year, costing 4.7 mill Euros. His works decorate all four treatment rooms and most have been Bliped before. My first time in this room.

Saint Apollonia is the patron saint of dentists, having had all hers violently removed around 249. She appears on the coat of arms of the British Dental Association. She neatly fills my missing "Religious Monday" Blip which fell out this week as Angie was at home.

Back home Angie had as always mucked out the horses and was on the way out with Sultan and the dogs. I did Flash's pick up service at the half way point. Do this with great pleasure as he clearly appreciates it and thus enjoys his walks even more. Having him with us this Christmas is the best present we could have.

Then back home to don the white apiarist jacket. Did it purely to deter them thinking it was the brown bear coming to rob the honey store. Almost wish I had put the hat/veil on when I opened the first hive. However the girls turned out to be very cooperative and I am thankful for MrB's passion of having peaceful colonies.

Finally in the afternoon, learnt Angie's car was ready so dashed off to Mindelheim to pick it up. Cost was not quite as much as feared but still painful. Anyone got a spare Toyota, Nissan to give away. VW Group cars are reliable according to the motoring club ADAC but as they were exposed for favouring German makes, I don't trust them.

Maybe tomorrow will be quieter, less painful, cheaper and with luck less wind and not too much rain.

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