knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1


It was either going to be another shot of Arran (which wasn't bad) or this shot today, and this won as it reflects more my mood for the day.
Slept in a bit this morning so spent half an hour chivvying then shouting at the child to get out the door to school. Then was in a grump for the rest of the day as had to do housework (domestic goddess I ain't) and then thought I'd have a quick tinker with the layout of my website which took nearly 4 hours. It's nearly there, I just wish that web theme developers properly thought about how big people would like their banner images to be.
Managed to get down the beach with the dogs this afternoon and got this photo of the waves bouncing in over the ripples in the sand.
So, haven't gotten any weaving done, that I wanted to do, and I still have a pile of stuff that needs done and all I want to do is just hide away for a few days and hope it goes away.
I know it won't. So hoping a good sleep tonight will re-set my head and tomorrow will be a better day.

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