Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

Telephone Wires

It was a beautiful sunset, but there is nowhere to take a photo without these lines from our house.

Today I began the Christmas clean up of our house. It has taken all day (albeit with a late start and generous breaks) to do the bedrooms. We live in a state of squalor, I tell you. Still. The children's floors are not just clear, but clean, the windows in our bedroom are letting in light again, and the loft holding bay (aka upstairs landing) is clear of crap, hooray.

Tomorrow, the toilets and the bathroom.....

What a life I lead.

In other news, Ben is poorly and has spent all day under a duvet, it's just a cold and he is getting better already. I'm trying to be sympathetic but am more concerned about the rest of us getting it for Christmas!!

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