Pre- Christmas reflections

I've had an unsatisfactory blip experience today! I'm possibly probably not the only one. When I published my blip earlier this afternoon, one I'd taken with my phone, the orientation was wrong and, search as I might, I couldn't find a way to rotate the picture, so deleted it while I looked for a solution.

Has anyone found a way to edit a blip before pressing the 'publish' button? We used to be able to crop, rotate, adjust brightness and colour, etc before previewing, but I'm damned if I can see how to do either on the new "improved" site.

Anyway, here is a reflected view of my tiny wee Christmas tree that sits on the window sill in the lounge. At least it's the right way up this time.

D#1 has joined me for the night. We're planning to watch the Strictly Come Dancing final. I'll be rooting for either of the girls: both Caroline and Frankie showed great potential right from the start, but I won't mind if Simon or Mark wins, because both of them have progressed amazingly.

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