...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

I got the kids dressed up in their Christmas jammies/outfits today for a quick photo. All my babies cooperated but it was such a dark day outside I couldn't get the lighting I wanted with my Nikon, so my iphone ended up being a better source of  photography. Miles' face is just so sweet in this photo. He is still the BEST big brother to Hadley and Emma. Sometimes it's hard to give him the attention he deserves, especially when less than average sleep and stress gets to mama! Luckily tonight he gets some attention with a sleepover at Nana's house. And Mitch and I get some more quality time with each other and the girls. 

This holiday season has been much different than I thought it would be. I have a stack of advent activities unused, traditions not done,  presents not bought, etc. I would give anything to make things normal, have my dad back to perfect health. This bad luck could not have happened to a better man - my dad. It's especially hard to deal with this time of year because he and my mom always worked so hard to make Christmas an amazing time...even as we became adults.

But I have faith that things will continue to get better, and I know my dad will do everything he can for his family - because he knows how much we need him. I'm very thankful to all my friends and family who have prayed, brought dinner, helped with my babies to make this time easier on me. And I'm so proud of my mom, who has been through so much this year and continues to be so strong for dad and us. We love our Mimi and Grandpa C!! I read this quote and it seems to fit our whole family right now: "You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only option"

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