Mizzly and drizzly

Today has been mizzly & drizzly, dull & dreary.


After my morning walk Ann did lots of domesticated chores & I snoozed.  We’re going to stay with both of Ann’s sisters over Christmas and that means I’ll get to see Bracken the bunny (can't find my blip of Bracken the bunny to link in, but I must not rant!!!!!) so she’s been packing and doing last minute Christmas pressie wrapping.


This afternoon she said, ‘Molly, I don’t think I’ve got enough Processo we’ll go to Lidl so I can get my last few bits and you can have a play on Hayle beach first.’


So that is what we did.


I met a very, very bouncy 18 week old greyhound.  She wanted to play with me and was so bouncy she kept practically jumping on top of me.  I’m ten and a half and I don’t really like playing with puppies these days.  She could run much faster than me so eventually I just went into the sea to get away from her.  She chased me but a wave went right over her head and she got all scared and went zooming back to her owners.  Wuss puppy!!!


…………….And Ann has promised me that she will try not to RANT over Christmas.


 And do you know what? ………………….The nicest thing about BLIP is all the other Blippers.  Thank you so so much to all my subscribers followers who have said that they will really miss us if we leave BLIP.  It’s so nice to feel loved. xxx

PS - Not sure if Ann will be able to help herself from having a rant.  It's taken us half an hour to post this BLIP and we still haven't managed to do a link to 'Bracken the bunny'. LOL!

Monday 22 December - Bracken the bunny.  Yay I've managed to edit a post.  Just how techie am I?  Thanks Seascapes & Mags for locating Bracken the bunny for me. xx


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