
"The soul of Chanukah is its meditation, joy, warmth and light.  Not only in our homes with our loved ones, but with the entire world"
-- Rabbi Rose, 21 December 2014 / 30 Kislev 5775

Cawson ni ein gwahoddiad i ymuno â'r gymuned Iddewig yn eu dathliad Chanukah.  Ro'n ni'n hapus iawn i fod yna i gynrychioli'r Cyngor Bwdïaidd Cymru.  Ar ôl y gweddïau a'r goleuo'r menorah, bwyton ni toesenni a latkes. Roedd e'n ddathliad gwych.

We were invited to join the Jewish community in their celebration of Chanukah. We were very happy to be there to represent the Buddhist Council of Wales. After the prayers and lighting the menorah, we ate doughnuts and latkes. It was a great celebration.

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