Spirit house

Poipet, I think but yesterday being another bus day I have no real idea other than that it's in Cambodia somewhere...and the six to eight hours journey became eleven and, dumped on the khaosan Rd at 1930 luck approached in the guise of a last minute night bus back up to chiang mai and an 0730 arrival...

Coffees awaiting guest house to wake up and just before nine a room, with hot shower in it. Small delights as a surprising proportion of my, apparent, tan turned out to be dust and mud....

And so...returned once again to cm and awaiting the Korean contingent who appear to have been arrested somewhere along the road from Laos. I feel so dull in comparison. But having snoozed vaguely on the bus...a German shouting drunk and the scent of piss from him, a bottle I think but the bus had a toilet...dumped on the outskirts of town in the rising light and the realisation that it's a wee bit chilly: tho 24degrees with windchill won't gather me any sympathy I suppose. Now in an alley with a coffee determined to stay awake but no great desire to do much other than scribbles and a photo and eat...I must remember to eat as I'm pretty sure that I'm hungry...

And so belated happy solstice to all who make it this far...

war and peace rewritten yet again; the vacuity of my thought process astounds me at the moment...

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