Claartje's Fotsen

By Claartje


This is a picture of Molly, the nicest car in the world with an odd sense of humour. Molly and I used to drive across the country and we had lots of fun together.

A while after I moved to Leidschendam Jaap told me I could use 'the Toyota' (as Molly was named back then) so I would not have to depend on the public transport whenever I went to see my family (or his). Not long after that, I named the car Molly. Because she's a real nice car and was desperately in want of a name. This would confuse people because whenever I had been somewhere I told people we had been there. And while Jaap was at sea this they did not understand until I explained to them that I meant Molly and me.

Unfortunately when I married Jaap we had to give up one car because of the limited parking space around here. And Jaap did not want to give up his Lexus...

Molly is still in the family and so I get to visit her sometimes. This time I took a picture because she's almost an old lady now and she gets damaged more and more so I'm afraid she will fall apart one day.

The funny thing is, all of Jaaps family refers to this car with 'Molly' now...

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