It's beginning to smell. ...

...a lot like Christmas.

Bought this incense burner in the German(ish) Christmas Market the other day.

Just lit it for the first time, and it looks quite good with the smoke coming out the chimney.

Quite a strong smell coming of it as well.

Almost finished wrapping the wife's Christmas presents and I can't help feeling I've missed one. ...

Had a great night last night. We'd already had some wine and beer before my wife kicked me and my best mate out to the pub earlier than we were intending to.

Only got as far as the local pub were we drank lots more beer and hogged the 50p pool table for the entire time we were in.

We were both pretty bad, and we called it quits at 7-6; as we needed a curry.
I think it had taken us over 3 hours to play them!

Nice curry, then back to the house for a night cap.

Was really good catching up, it's just a shame we can't do it more often.

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