Just trying to survive

By NovaLovesFrogs

Today is the day!

Yesterday was my favorite day of the year, but I've been waiting for today for a couple months!

I take a lot of medication. I document my doses meticulously in a planner. Because of my health problems and potential drug interactions, it's very important that I do this.

Since July a year ago, I've been using a cheap - but rather nice for the price - planner to do this. While I know how important it is to keep track of, I feel a little part of me die every time I'm a slave to my medications and planner.

So I decided to do something about it a couple months ago. I bought myself a beautiful leather planner, complete with my name in the bottom right corner. I'm a sucker for nice journals and nice leather, and an even bigger sucker for nice leather journals.

Now I feel that my daily slavings will be slightly enjoyable, documenting my meds and appointments in such a finely crafted book.

Why today of all days? Today is the day that the daily journal pages start. That's why.

I know it's stupid, but I'm kinda tingly with excitement about this!

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