
Today was another rather desolate grey day, clouds dimmed the daylight all day. I just heard the news about the terrible accident in Glasgow centre, hope it isn't as bad as it sounds. My day was lit up by the arrival of this Blurb book of the 26 by 26 project, a project where 26 well-known photographers set challenges for a group of Flickr members. I'm quite chuffed to have a picture included. See more about the book here and my picture here

Edited to add: A new project starts in the new year, this time 12 by 12, one challenge per month. Open to anyone interested, the Flickr group is here

Thanks so very much for all your stars and hearts. There's still no certainty about everybody who gave them, but I'm happy with all of them. Just as well that yesterday morning there was this moment of pre-sunlight, a couple of minutes later the clouds moved in and they haven't moved since :-(

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