Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

For All the Ladies in the World

On my morning walk with the dogs I discovered a cluster of Lady's Slippers. While trying to get some shots with the dogs, Corra snapped one off at the stem ;_; She is a naughty dog. At least we reused it inside for a couple of shots of Loki and Corra each wearing the slipper :)

So, I had big plans to go to Dog Mountain in Vermont tomorrow, but it really doesn't look like it is going to happen =\ 1. There is supposed to be about an inch of rain 2. A co-worker is moving on to another place of employment, and I for some reason am taking over for a project he's been working on. /sigh So, I will still be taking Thursday and Friday off, but all of a sudden my vacation was shortened. So frustrating >< but what can you do! At least the plan is still to go to the beach on Thurs. with my sister :)

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