Estuary sunset

Nicest viewed large but this seems to be a feature either still to come or no longer deemed necessary in the new land of blip. You'll have to imagine it ;-)

A gentle day for Dad and hpx. I think we've both worked out that is the best way to approach the next few days.

We did some odds and ends down the road, mostly hunting out bits and pieces needed for the Father/Daughter light weight tramping/hiking cooker project.

We had excellent coffee at the Dutch shop and reminisced about Mum. It was lovely. We also talked about how we might like to remember the first anniversary of her death on the 24th.

A year ago today I arrived to be with Mum in the final couple of days of her life. I treasure that.

Dad had a Christmas lunch with his mens' support group around at the hospice. I pottered and held the fort at home.

Another nana-nap in the afternoon (they're doing me the world of good) and then we did 40mins out in the garden together. I crawled into places less easy for Dad and pulled weeds and he tidied up the seating area.

Unlike my last foray into weeds, this one was spectacularly uneventful. Just as it should be.

The beer and cider with more reminiscing, laughter and tears and we talked about Mum. I managed to sort dinner without help - left overs for Dad and a fresh salad with smoked trout for me. Yes, caught and smoked by moi (delicious!).

Knowing the supermarket needed to be approached before Christmas, I left Dad cleaning up the kitchen while I braved what turned out to be no crowds. That just leaves fresh berries to be bought.

A little bit of sunset chasing over the Orewa Estuary followed by a small piece of the Rocky Road Dad made in one hand, and a wee dram of single malt in the other hand. 

We watched a movie taped from Sunday night based on the French occupation of Indo-Chine (Vietnam). Dad sailed there at a similar time in the '50s. When the movie concluded he told me some of what he saw and experienced.

We proceed gently and with love.


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