Please read before phoning

All those who are reaching for the phone to call the RSPCA or other anti-cruelty to animal organisations, please look at yesterday's Blip first. The two horses are one and the same! Sultan is in the best of health and feeling as happy as a pig in s***.

He has just finished his morning bowl of sugar beet pulp, followed by almost two hours of munching haylage. He is at bursting point and it is amazing he could get up after he took his mid morning bath.

The photo helps to explain why Sultan has been the subject of Blip fotos on my & Angie's journals so often in the last days. Angie had closed off the fields and once you manage to get a gray horse clean enough to ride at this time of year, you use every single opportunity.

Angie has to work Monday & Tuesday and so when she went over to visit friends yesterday afternoon, I opened the gate! I think black Rosie will be hauled out on Wednesday for a ride and i will have to get out the compressed air hammer to clean Sultan.

After mucking out dashed over to our small animal vet in Ottobeuren as Luna had developed a very gunge green eye discharge/pus. Waiting room empty and got straight in. Five minutes later the waiting room was full.

Got some eye ointment and set off for our walk. Sunny but a nasty wind so sought the shelter of our "old" walk in the Bannwald forest.

On the way home stopped in the hamlet of Dennenberg which is in the background of yesterdays Blip. Wanted to Blip something inside as I try to do a religious Blip on Monday. Sadly the door locked. Took a few exterior shots but a bit boring.

Discovered in the evening when I came to apply Luna's ointment that I had lost it during the walk. Had popped it in my coat at the vets and after leaving the car for the walk, cursed I hadn't taken it out. Didn't think about it again.

Will have a look tomorrow as I have to go to Ottobeuren again anyway. It was wrapped in a knoted plastic bag so maybe someone found it and hung it on a branch. Often see gloves, scarves etc wrapped over branches. 

From tomorrow shops will be full of Easter Eggs and we can now talk about Spring. Perhaps there are some Christmas chocolate bargains?

RIP Joe Cocker . a Mad Dog and an Englishman

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