Prayers, Khajuraho Temple Complex, Madhya Pradesh

Hubby and I both had cams, something I am personally thankful for.  I mentioned some months before that a colleague sold me her old simple (non-DLSR) cam for a mere 30 euros, and that is what hubby has been enjoying for the past 24 hours.  He takes his bit and I do mine and then I combine both sets at the end of the day.

Khajuraho is known for its erotic temple sculptures and they are as unique as they are unexpected.  Sex in a temple?  You'd never guess!  But of all the shots we took, this one of women walking around and around a tree murmuring mantras and chants is what has stayed longest in my mind.  What were they praying about?  What DO they pray for that differs from what the men pray for?  And why do they need to pray separately?  So much division ... so much pigeon-holing ... so many rules ...

The caste system is alive and well here.  We visited the ancient, poorer side of the village before returning to the hotel.  Can you believe it's still segregated into 4 parts, each with its own services and facilities and that the inhabitants of one will rarely enter the territory of the other?  To them, this is normal.  We are trying to see the entire system without any judgemental feelings, which can be difficult when we see how the 'untouchables' are ignored and forced to stay on the margins of just about everything.

Not much time to chat for now but will surely return in a couple of hours to reply to your comments.

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