
By DevonDumpling

'The Song of the Christmas Tree'

The little Christmas Tree was born
And dwelt in open air;
It did not guess how bright a dress
Some day its boughs would wear;
Brown cones were all, it thought, a tall
And grown-up Fir would bear.

O little Fir! Your forest home
Is far and far away;
And here indoors these boughs of yours
With coloured balls are gay,
With candle-light, and tinsel bright,
For this is Christmas Day!

A dolly-fairy stands on top, till children sleep; then she
(a live one now!) from bough to bough
Goes gliding silently.
O magic sight, this joyous night!
O Laden, sparkling tree!

Cicely Mary Barker.

As you will all have learnt over the last few months I love the poems from 'The Complete Book of the Flower Fairies' by Cicely Mary Barker.
I promised my tree when cut in the woods a week ago that I would do it justice. This poem describes how I feel.

Oh and for my dear Blip friend 'Snow down Under'..snowy to me....she is wearing her strings of pearls.

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